On30 Modular Clubs

Welcome to our free listing of On30 modular model railroading groups and clubs! If you would like your group or club to be listed on the On30 Annual web site, please provide: 1) The name of the group 2) Where your group is located (city or general area) 3) Your group’s web site 4) Name of contact person 5) Contact person email address 6) Brief description of your activities. Please email this information to Editor Chris Lane.


First Coast Model Railroaders
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Contact Name: Robert Harrington

We can be found five times a year at the Golden Spike Enterprises train shows at the Volusia County Fairgrounds (Deland) and at the Jacksonville show. We also have been found for the last two years at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens “Zoolights” event over the December holiday season. We are also active with the NMRA’s Sunshine Region – Northern Division events.

On30 in Arizona
Location: Phoenix, Tuscon, and Yuma, Arizona
Contact Name: Eric Smith

Freelanced On30 railroad following typical Arizona southwester scenery in the period between 1920-1945. Seeking new members interested in modeling and operating a model railroad built for display at public shows.

Port St. Lucie On30 Club
Location: Port St. Lucie, Florida
Contact Name: Al Sohl

Looking for serious modelers interested in building an On30 layout based on prototype DRG&W and RGS, circa 1939. Club to be located in 950 sq. ft. dedicated building, and most importantly, NO dues! If you are interested, please contact Al Sohl.

James River Division On30 Modular Group
Location – Central Virginia
Contact – Philip Taylor

We are a loosely organized group of members of the James River Division, MER/NMRA (central Virginia) interested in building and operating an On30 modular layout. Our module specifications can be found on our Yahoo Group pages. While our railroad is named the Atlantic & Danville, we only use the name of this now defunct railroad. This permits us to model just about any type of scenery, except, of course, the Rocky Mountains. However, we do allow liberal trackage rights to other railroads. We meet about every six weeks or so at a church in the Richmond, Va. suburb of Midlothian. Why not join us in the fun of On30 modeling?

California Central Valley On30 Modular Group
Location: California Central Valley (Fresno, Visalia, Hanford, Bakersfield)
Contact Name: Chuck Wolfson

The goal of the CCV-On30 Modular group is to have fun building and, at public shows, operating our On30 modules. The railroad the CCV-On30 is a freelanced railroad with no specifics other than being narrow gauge and the locale being Central California, the time period being sometime just after WWI to shortly before WWII. Anyone interested in modeling and/or operating narrow gauge railroading is invited to participate. You don’t need a module or your own equipment to join in the fun!

Northern California Narrow Gaugers
Location: Sacramento, Placer County, California
Contact Name: Bill Iwan or John Cooper

We are a group of fun filled model railroaders of all skill levels modeling in On30. Anyone that lives within the area, novice to expert are welcome to join. The only rule we have is no rules and you must have fun. Meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month. Our Goal is to have a free lanced Northern California themed modular layout that can be displayed at the many Northern California model railroad shows. If you are a fun-filled person that loves model railroading your are welcome!

“New On30 Group Forming”
Location: Pueblo, Co to Cheyenne, WY
Contact: Robert Sherwood

New Group / Club forming in this area. All interested please contact above. This area will be updated as time goes by and this group gets off the ground and going.

CSCModOn30 · California South Coast Modular On30
Location: San Diego Area / Orange County / Los Angeles, CA
Contact Name: Moderator

The California South Coast On30 Modular group is set up as free form modules, but with connectivity the key to our standard. This includes physical and electrical with operating 100% the key. This On30 Modular group is set up so we can display at train shows and other venues in Southern CA., between the San Diego and Los Angeles areas, when we have enough modules. The time period is set to the late 1800’s to the 1930’s. The track products used for the modules are On30 flex track and turnouts. The code 100 rail measure 3/16ths of an inch from the underside of the ties to the top of the rail. Using Peco or Micro Engineering products is not a requirement but adhering to the overall tie/rail height and code 100 rail between modules is needed to ensure smooth operation. Because of the larger size of On30; many hobbyists lack the necessary space to have an interesting layout at home. The solution for most of us came in the form of a “modular” or portable layout.

Four Guys On30 Group
Location: Greater Cincinnati (West Chester, Ohio)
Contact Name: Dan Stenger

Four members of the Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society decided to build a portable On30 layout based on southern Colorado in the 1940s-50s. Originally we assembled our layout at each others’ home once or twice a month. The layout is now at Entertainment Junction in West Chester, Ohio. Eventually it will become part of their Great Train Expo.

Eastern Carolina On30 Group
Location:Central And Eastern North Carolina
Contact Name: Alan Ashworth

We are based from Raleigh NC and East to the Coast. We are currently working on standards to construct modules for a traveling On30 layout for shows on the East Coast. If you live in this area of NC and are interested in On30 modeling please feel free to join our Yahoo group for up-to-date news and information on our group.

Indiana Narrow Gauge Group
Location: Central Indiana
Contact Name: Brian Mitchum

Our mission is to build a easily transportable, light weight, easily set-up and take-down module railroad layout, that looks good and runs excellent that we can all be proud of for display.

Maine On30 Group
Location: Greater Portland, ME
Contact Name: Elliott Thomas

We are an On30 Module Group located in the greater Portland area. We hold the Maine All-Scale Narrow Gauge Show/Meet in March.

Mid-South Narrow Gaugers
Location: Memphis, Tennesee
Contact Name: David Johnston

We are currently building an On30 sectional, display layout, size: 32 x 6 ft, western (Colorado/New Mexico) theme. New members welcome.

Narragansett Bay Railway & Navigation Company
Location: Rhode Island
Contact Name: Justin Maguire Jr.

The Narragansett Bay Railway & Navigation Co. was founded in 2001 as an On30 modular railroad. As a narrow gauge short line, the NBR&N winds it’s way through the marshes, reeds and sand dunes along the fringes of Rhode Island’s fabled Narragansett Bay. The layout is “free-form” in shape and, as such, has no inside or enclosed space. The main modules are 30″ wide with a single-track main on each side. Springing from the main layout is our “FreeMo” Division, this branch is characterized by narrow modules, only 15″ wide, with a single mainline. No mountainous scenery here, much of the layout is coves, inlets and bays with short trains lumbering over very low trestles and causeways.

California Central Coast On30
Location: San Francisco Bay Area / Sacramento / Fresno
Contact Name: John Roth

The California Central Coast On30 modular group was founded in March 2005. The California Central Coast is freelanced and set in the north-central portion of California during the first third of the 20th century. Our layout arrangements are basically point to point with turning facilities at the ends with passing sidings in-between. This linear style allows viewers to see all sides of our layouts since we have no distinct “viewer’s side” (ie. no backdrop). It also allows us to more easily interact with the public and fellow hobbyists. We set up and operate about 8 times a year and meet frequently between events. The group’s only prerequisite is a desire to have fun with On30. For more information, please see our website and/or contact us via email.

Florida On30 Renegades
Location: South Florida
Contact Name: Robert L. Harris or Bill Nielsen

Florida On30 Renegades are a loosely organized group of modelers building 16″ x 48″ modules. We have standards for electrical and track. Scenery follows a Florida theme and is the builder’s ideas and talent. We meet occasionally for get-togethers and/or module setups. Our idea is to be as loosely organized as possible and still be able to display and have fun. So far we have been successful with that goal.

San Luis Obispo Model Railroad Association
Location: San Luis Obispo County, CA
Contact Name: Jim Keating

Brief Description of your club/group: The SLOMRA is a non-profit organization dedicated to model railroading in all scales on the Central Coast of California. Our activities include public and private exhibitions of model railroad layouts, operating sessions, tips and techniques workshops, educational and heritage programs, social events, contests and awards supporting the NMRA achievement program, and the general promotion of the hobby. Members enjoy significant benefits including discounted purchases, resource and knowledge sharing, access to club assets and materials, participation in our many events, and privileges on some of the finest model railroads in the area.

Northwest Narrow Gauge Imagineers
Location: Oregon
Contact Name: Gil Hulin

Each participant builds a modular point-to-point railroad from a common hub, thus eliminating the need for everyone to be present to “complete a loop.” Some railroads also serve as home layouts between public shows, some using DCC and others operating on DC. Current membership resides in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, although potential participants from Southwest Washington would be welcome. Rail height is 44.5-inches from floor at common interface, otherwise standards are up to the builder. Most modules are 2-foot by 4-foot.

Tri-State On30 Module Group
Location: NY/NJ/PA/CT
Contact Name: Larry Rickert

Our group was created for On30 modelers who are interested in building modules for setup and operation at model railroad shows and meets. We use the standards published by our ‘sister’ group, the Mid-Atlantic On30 Modules Group. We have set up at the Kimberton Narrow Gauge module show and at the Mid-Hudson On30 meet in the past. Our modules are designed with an east coast narrow gauge flavor. If you would like to get more fun out of your On30 modeling you may want to give modules a try!

Texas Outlaws On30 Module Group
Location: Ft Worth/Dallas Texas
Contact name: Don Culbertson

The Outlaws are an On30 module club. We take our modules to several regional train shows each year and one annual Club event. We have 100 member owned modules in the local group and we strive to make each show layout set up different from any previous arrangement. Other info: We have a monthly meeting on the 4th Saturday of each month in the Clubroom at HobbyTownUSA in Dallas.

Location: Northern Virginia, Washington D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania
Contact Name: Geren Mortensen and Kevin Hunter

The concept behind the MADModules On30 modular group is to join together On30 model railroaders from the Mid Atlantic Region (Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware and surrounding areas) to create a series of modules that convey the spirit of East Coast Narrow Gauge railroading — from Eastern Shore and Tidewater areas across the Piedmont and into the foothills of the Appalachians, and from the Carolinas to Maine.

On30 Hill Country Outlaws
Location: Austin and San Antonio, Texas
Contact e-mail: Hill Country On30 Outlaws

Modular On30 group using light weight modules. You do not have to build a module to join or participate in our setups or meetings. Standard module construction information is available to all members in the files section of the group site on Yahoo. See the Yahoo Groups web site for information on joining us. While we are based in Central Texas we have group members all over the world and anyone even slightly interested in On30 is welcome. We set up and operate large modular layouts about three times a year in the Central Texas area and have monthly meetings. Contact us for the schedule and location.

Moose Creek Railroad & Timber Co.
Location: Rhode Island
Contact name: Bruce Erickson

The Moose Creek railroad and Timber Co. was founded in 2005 as an On30, logging portable layout. We used the Free-Mo concept to build a single track narrow gauge railroad through dense forest land. The railroad is fictional but has New England flavor. The modules are 20 inches wide at the ends and 5 feet long. The main trackage meanders through dense woods, across several small inlets on low trestles and over a couple of trestles that span deep ravines, one of which is the Moose Creek. The portable layout, when assembled, is 24 feet in length by 8 feet in width. It has a 4 foot open area in the center and has 2 curved sections on the ends. Most of the trackage is code 83 hand laid.

The Central Ohio O-Scale Engineers
Location: Kingsdale Shopping Center, Columbus, Ohio
Contact Name: John D. Clark

Our club is an O-Scale model railroad club. We are located in a vacant store in a local Columbus shopping center. Our primary layout is a large modular O-Scale two rail standard gauge layout. We also have a 1/4″ scale model of a circus with Lionel and American Flyer running around it, a Z scale layout and another small On30 (4’X8′) layout. The other layout in our exhibit is the bigger On30 layout. It is called the COOSE Bay Railway & Navigation Company. The main portion of this layout is 22′ long but only 20″ deep. It was built to fill some vacant space in out exhibit area. It is still under construction but does operate on our open days. The Central Ohio O-Scale Engineers are open to the public on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 10AM to 4PM.

Hoosier On30 Moduleers
Location: South Central Indiana
Contact name: Al Askerberg

Our club follows an Eastern logging theme. Our club sponsors the Hoosier On30 Mini-Meet.


The Dirty Thirty
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Contact Name: Bob Moore

On30 modular club seeking new members.

Upper Canada & Algonquin Railway
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada (and surrounding area)
Contact Name: Lynn Caron

The Upper Canada & Algonquin is an On30 modular group located in the Greater Toronto Area modeling a fictitious railroad based on Northern Ontario circa 1930 using the Free-MOn30 standard.


7mm NGA Yorkshire Area
Location: West Yorkshire England
Contact Name: David Charlesworth

Our Modules serve as an introduction to layout building. It is over 30ft long but is normally seen at around 20ft. Each member chooses to model is module as he sees fit but still the modules fit together scene wise. Anyone interested in modelling and/or operating narrow gauge railroading is invited to participate. You don’t need a module or your own equipment to join in the fun!

7mmNGA Trent Valley Area Group
Contact name: Tim Allsopp
Contact address:14 Upper Bainbrigge Street, Derby, DE23 6WN, United Kingdom.

The group is made up of members belonging to the 7mm Narrow Gauge Association who live in East/West Midlands area of the UK. The layout is geographically based in the Peak District of Derbyshire and is set in the 1920s/1930s and has the same loading gauge as the nearby Leek & Manifold Light Railway. There are two types of modular boards that can be built, which are #1 townscape and #2 countryside. Locos and rolling stock range from scratchbuilt prototypes to freelance cut & shut 0n30 Bachmann models.

Free-MOn30 UK
Location: UK
Contact Name: Peter Lloyd-Jones

A small grouping of On30 enthusiasts who are building modules based on the Free MOn30 standards. Please see our files area on the Yahoo Group, or ask for directions from there.


Modul Syd
Location: Greater Stockholm Area
Contact Name: Lars Ljungberg

We have members that build modules in H0, N and 0n30. We don’t have that many modules built yet but the number of builders are increasing all the time. Modul Syd is an active group, we have planned 3 modular meets for this fall, all though not 0n30 specific. We often build layouts in more than one scale at our meetings. Modul Syd has members from just south of Stockholm and all way down to the southern parts of Sweden. We are working on making 0n30 more popular and it seems to work rather well.